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Anna Perkel

Teacher and Founder of the Esoteric Science Center “ReBirth”
Anna was born with a divine gift, when she was seven years old she easily cleaned inflammation formed in the children's lung and breasts of nursing mothers.
Currently, she is a Doctor of Metaphysical Sciences and leading healer at 
Esoteric Science Center “ReBirth” in New York and New Jersey. She passed the specialization of medical qigong from the best teachers Shaolin Monastery, China.
She is a professional Feng Shui expert in the field of Chinese metaphysics.
Anna professionally conducts correction of karma through the subconscious using Regression Past Life Therapy. Anna holds sessions Regression Spiritual Therapy "Life-Between-Lives" and is a specialist in this area. She is bilingual, speaks Russian and English.
She also provides individual sessions to help people answer questions, open spiritual potential, help them understand why they came to the earth, what they should do here and pass them information from the Divine Plan. She is clairvoyant, sees all the internal organs in humans, where is the problem and helping people get rid of it. Anna helps people communicate with decedent relatives and pass them information from them. She has organized and conducted several expeditions with groups of people in different sacred places of our planet. In Arizona, Egypt, India and Nepal, she taught the people and pass to them necessary information from the divine forces. 
In her practice, Anna combines various metaphysical methods to get the best results.


Welcome !!!
In Love and Service,
Anna Perkel D.M
s, CHt, IACT

Alex Perkel

Teacher and Founder of the Esoteric Science Center “ReBirth”
Doctor of Metaphysical Science Alex Perkel is an energy-healing practitioner and leading healer Esoteric Science Center “ReBirth” in New York and New Jersey.
He is a Certified Energy-Healing Practitioner and has completed the
Supercharging Energy-Healing course.
In addition to being a Certified Energy-Healing practitioner, he is a Certified Hypnotherapies, Energy Information Correction practitioner, Certified Feng Shui practitioner, Certified Tai Chi instructor, Certified ZY Qigong instructor, Image Therapy Healer, Certified Space Clearing & House Blessing Practitioner, Certified Past Life Regression Therapy Practitioner, Ordained Minister. He studied in different school and also in China, Shaolin Monastery he studied Medicine Qigong and Tai Chi.
Alex has good experience working on horses and different animals.
Alex offers private and distant healing sessions, Space Clearing and House Blessing, Feng Shui Services, Hypnosis Healing, Past Life Regression Therapy, Hea
ling Meditations.
He is bilingual, speaks Russian and English. For many years he was interested and studied esoteric knowledge’s in different schools.
Many years ago he attained long time dream by opening Esoteric Science Center “ReBirth”.

Each patient receives an individual treatment program in which Alex combines various techniques to achieve the best results.

Welcome !!!
In Love and Service,
Alex Perkel D.Ms, CHt, IACT

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